For many genuine reasons, self-publishing has increasingly gained popularity over time. It has brought a lot of opportunities for the author when it comes to sending creativity into the world.
No lie, the traditional method of publication is all about waiting and navigating challenges such as not getting a contract offer. The nightmare was real for the authors as they went through piles of rejection letters from publishers.
Fortunately, with the advent of self-publication, a writer can break the barriers of the publishing industry. Now, you can decide the fate of your book and pursue authorship easily. But that’s not the only benefit you can get with self-publishing.
There is a long list of benefits you can explore while seeking out a self-publication method for your coming book. Curious to know more? If yes, read on to explore the captivating benefit of self-publishing:
- Give Complete Creative Control
When a writer undertakes a book, they will start to have a vision for their book. This makes them possessive of their content and control over their rights.
But imagine going for traditional publication and giving all the rights to the publisher by signing the contracts. Not only has this but your book will also be edited beyond recognition. Isn’t it scary to even imagine?
However, self-publishing allows you to retain all the creative rights over your book. You will have complete control over editing, formatting, and cover design. With self-publication, you have control over hiring designers and editors who will help in polishing your manuscript.
This way, you can create an eye-catching cover for your book and preserve the vision of your book.
- Offer Quicker Timeline
It takes relatively months and even years to get your submitted manuscript to be edited and published in a traditional way. This can make you go for a long sleep after completing writing. But this isn’t something that excites the writers.
When a writer is about to complete the writing, the next thing they imagine is listing it for sale. While it is true that there is no easy way to publish a quality book in a week, it is still a more expedient path to get your book published quickly.
Once you are done with the last chapter, you can expect to see your book listed for sale quickly. In addition to this, you can explore the effective ways to self-publish your book quickly online.
- Save From Publishing Risks
There are a bunch of publication risks when you opt for the traditional method of publication. Most of these risks are increasing over time. The agents and publishers consider choosing a small number of authors for publication. This is something they call a winning formula, as it works for them to become exclusive.
However, self-publishing offers the benefits of saving from risks such as getting rejected. With self-publication, you can remove the dread of failure, rejection, or delay from the process. This way, you will be more confident in your book and publication process.
- Provide Higher Royalty Rates
Many writers and indie authors live the dream of receiving a big and fat check of advance along with lucrative contracts. But this dream is something that doesn’t become a reality. If the newly minted author doesn’t receive a big bonus initially, there is a high probability of not receiving it later until your book sales have offset that bonus.
This sounds like a long-term plan to sell books with a good profit. Typically, every traditional publisher pays $1 per unit sold. However, compared to self-publishing, the royalties exceed a lucrative number of close to 70% and that’s a big number if you consider.
Along with this, you can save on printing costs. This can make you rich faster than considering a traditional way of publishing a book.
- Allow Authors to Retain Rights
Writing a book takes up a lot of creativity, experience, and challenges. Every writer has their own journey of crafting content until it is all ready to be part of the literary world. But going through all the sweat and tears, there is nothing more painful than seeing a publisher taking all the ownership rights away from you.
This is one of the major sacrifices that you have to make when publishing your book. Whether you opt for publishing an e-book or audiobook, you will no longer have all the rights over your content.
However, self-publishing can save you from experiencing this pain. Your book is your property, and with self-publication, you can retain all of your rights. This will give you more control over your book and allow you to own your creativity and struggle under your name.
- Give Opportunity to Make Your Name
It’s true that becoming a best-selling author isn’t an overnight thing. If you are a first-time writer, it will be more challenging for you to attract the best out of the publishing industry. You will find the whole process of getting your book appreciated is a dream that cannot be achieved.
However, with self-publication, you can attract a fan base and build an email list to attract potential publishers. Through this process, you can be more visible to the audience and market your book in your own way.
There are a number of successful and well-known authors who started their journey through self-publishing and ended up attracting the best traditional book publishers in the future. You can follow their path and embrace your journey of publishing your creativity.
Wrap Up:
Traditional publishing is not for authors and writers, especially those who are new to this journey. But to get your book to gain visibility, self-publishing offers a number of benefits to the writers and authors.
There is nothing more stressful for a writer than waiting for their book to be published or facing delays in publishing. But with these six advantages in mind, you can easily save yourself from facing any rejection.
Whether you are new in this field or have recognition, it is important for you to have control over your content and cover page. For this purpose, opting for self-publishing is an easy and rewarding process for writers of all ages.